Shakespeare is underway

I have a hard time believing that we are less than a month away from Shakespeare. No, we're not ready, but I am confident that we will be. Our monologues are almost ready. They are so solid that I find myself in awe at the talent of these kids.

The scenes are a different story. While I am confident in the abilities of the actors, there is a lot of work left to be done.

When it comes to the ensemble scene I am so excited. I realize that the judges might hate what we do, but I don't care. The girls are learning their dances. The boys are starting to understand what is happening. Caleb is brilliant. I LOVE my Lear. He has so much confidence on stage. This kid, from the time he arrived in 7th grade has had his eye on a lead role. Now that he has earned it, he is really living up to the expectation. This risk will stretch these kids more than they ever anticipated.


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